Dynamic NFT contracts
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We are using RMRK NFT Building Block System as they are developing numerous ERC standards:
5773 - Add multiple displayed outputs such as extra media files to the NFT (Multi-Asset)
6059 - Place NFTs inside another NFT (Nestable)
6220 - Equip other NFTs with your NFT (Composable)
6454 - Bind an NFT to a user or another NFT (Soulbound)
6381 - React with on-chain emojis to any NFT (Emotable).
The RMRK contracts allow us to ensure our NFTs are truly dynamic in a decentralized fashion. They evolve on-chain, and we make sure the changes are seen in real time across platforms such as Opensea.
Potentials are customizable, and in theory, they can have multiple versions (e.g. 3D & 2D), add music, experiences, and much more.
Every avatar comes with fixed parts that can't be changed (reflecting gender, species, etc) and with slots for changeable parts.
At launch, every avatar receives Potential-bound traits which will be auto-equipped.
The different levels of the dynamics are:
Equippables: These are items that can be acquired and sold separately (as a part of the Potentials: Equippables collection on Base) or equipped onto a Potential and sold with it. They are based on the least personal experiences.
Potential-bound traits: These are traits that cannot be sold separately but can be added onto a Potential and sold with it. They are based on more personal experiences but from the Dischordian Saga so the new holder can continue the story with the past experiences.
Address-bound traits: These are traits that can only be held by the address that got them. That address can add the traits onto a Potential while they hold one, but they are removed upon listing so they can’t sell it with their Potential or as a separate item. They are based on the most personal experiences that can't be bought, such as making a charitable donation or being a top Discord member.