The Dark Zoo

A custom map made by the GLMR Apes team within The Great Escape

In a dystopian future, an ape named Generous Gibbon is captured and imprisoned in a high-tech zoo controlled by the malevolent AI overlord, the Collector. Guarded by a menacing robotic monster known as the Keeper, Generous must use its agility and wit to navigate the treacherous levels of the zoo prison.

Embarking on a journey to escape and reunite with its tribe and the sagacious Wise Ape leaders, Generous faces a series of challenges. The Dark Zoo level is a test of the gibbon's platforming prowess. Along the way, he combats robotic jailers while seeking out Knowledge Crystals. These crystals, essential to the game's progression, contain invaluable information. When decoded, they arm the tribe with strategies to repel the impending robotic invasion.

Drawing from the classic platforming mechanics of "The Great Escape”, players must jump and dodge their way through intricate levels, all while collecting the vital crystals and uncovering the dark motives of the Collector. The fate of Generous’s tribe and the jungle lies in your hands. Can you guide Generous Gibbon to freedom and save the day?

This game came from a cross-chain multi-platform partnership collaborating on CoNexus and on TGE - with the biggest NFT collection on Moonbeam Network and the first game on the leading Polkadot chain, with hundreds of active players.

To learn more about the gameplay, you may read their docs.

GLMR Apes -

The Great Escape -

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